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Register for a Volunteer Account

In order to sign up or express interest in any of our volunteer opportunities and activities, you’ll need to create an account so you can log in. Please complete the information below to get started!

The information that we require for registration is to help our affiliate organizations run their events safely. We ask for your birthdate in order to comply with federal laws related to children's online privacy and to comply with event organizers' rules regarding age limits. Zip code helps us locate events near you. Mobile phone is in case the event organizer needs to contact you on the day of the event.


You will be asked to enter a verification code when you register as a volunteer (you know, to ensure that some creep isn't masquerading as you). Some mobile and tablet devices and mobile apps (like Facebook) struggle with the verification process. Desktop and laptop devices do not seem to have this problem. If you are having problems, we recommend registering from your desktop or laptop.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Basic Info
Basic Info
Contact Info (to be completed by US-based volunteers only)
Contact Info (to be completed by US-based volunteers only)
Demographic and Volunteer Options
Demographic and Volunteer Options
Volunteer Interests
Volunteer Interests
Just a few more questions...
Just a few more questions...

By continuing with the registration process you are indicating your acceptance with the Terms and Conditions for this site. Clicking on the Next button below indicates you accept the site's terms and conditions. Click Here to view the Terms And Conditions.

KAB Town Profile image

Common Messages